Our Story
Our Story
Ok, so i'm told everyone has a story...here's mine!
My grandma Sadie was by far the most masterful chef to ever live. Why do I say that? One, it's true. Two, I had to pay for culinary school to learn maybe about 1/3 of what I could of learned paying attention to her. She made EVERYTHING! She could raise an animal, slaughter it, and cook it in a heartbeat and without breaking a nail. But, hindsight is 20/20. I am a perfect blend of the Miss-Lou area, a little Creole with a lot of country. My cooking is a direct reflection of my life, soulful, flavorful, complicated, and sexy. All that's just the GUMBO. When it comes down to it, I cook because why would you want to do anything else!
Simply stated, we want to feed the masses Country-Creole food with a kick of soul.
That's why I'm here. Looking for great gumbo in Birmingham, we are making authentic Creole food in Birmingham. That's what I love. That's what I do well, and I can throw a mean cocktail at ya, you know, if you're the drinking type. But like our slogan says: "If it looks like soup, and it taste like soup, THEN, THAT AIN'T GUMBO!"